Thursday, April 16, 2009

Today (Dada Cube pt. 1)

Getta' loada' this will ya'..
6 Sides To Every Story (thanx Candace Nicol) brings 600 artists together to carve on the sides of these lil' cubes. Woodblock prints ensue as well as a large international collaborative exhibition.
This video of my cube is the best video of a carved block of wood on Internet right now, you can bank on that one charlie! It has a great soundtrack, the lyrics are precious, please enjoy.
t was based on a story in L A Times about LACountyMuseum
's new collection of old oceanic masks and the influence these designs had on the Dadaists.

1 comment:

ainesse said...

Hello Candace

I just wondered how things were going with this project. Have you managed to get all the little cubes printed up yet? Massive undertaking !!!

Perhaps you are just enjoying the sunshine and having a bit of relaxation. Are you hoping to exhibit the entire thing at some point. It would be amazing to see some photos of it here online... once it was installed in a gallery somewhere.

I came out of hospital 2 weeks ago, after spinal surgery. Slowly recovering.

Also wondered if you had any photos from that printmaking workshop which I mentioned on the Tradigital blog about teaching printmakers to incorporate traditional techniques into digital print outs etc.

take care
