Monday, December 1, 2008
Here is you print from the cube you carved on. I would like to say thank you very much for participating in this project and I hope you are as excited as me with the progress of 6sides so far. We have a long way to go to finish the project. Here is the timeline:
April 1, 2008 – Project Announced, blog up and running, collating and sending out cubes
May 1, 2008 – Website up and running, participants working on cubes, continue recruiting new participants across the nation
December 31, 2008- Remaining cubes should be carved and sent back to Candace
January-February Working on printing cubes and printing up the larger prints for framing
February 15, 2009 - All prints ready for installation and portfolio
February 28, 2009- Participant book of stories and images sent to publisher
March 1, 2009- Installation and Exhibition proposals ready to send out to potential shows
I would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to Sierra Arts and Nevada Arts Council. Both these agencies have given us grant money to finish the project and to help with the cost of shipping, printing, and framing of the large portfolio pieces. If you have some time, please could you email them and thank them for their sponsorship? The project might not have happened without that funding. Here are the email addresses:
Jill Berryman, Executive Director, Sierra Arts
Susan Boskoff, Executive Director, Nevada Arts Council
Keep checking the blog and the website for new developments and for exhibition whereabouts and dates…..
Hugs to you all!
Current INFO on 6sides2every story
6sides2every story
International collaboration of artists and printmakers
Organized by Candace Nicol, Reno, NV
6sides2every story essentially is a social experiment involving 600+ artists from around the world. Each artist is carving one side of a wooden cube and then I am acting as the master printmaker, printing editions to be sent back to each participant. The project will highlight the inherent democracy that printmaking gives to artists of all levels: Professionals, amateurs, non-printmakers, mentors and students will all contribute to the project. The purpose of this project is to connect artists from different backgrounds and places.
6sides2every story represents a collaboration that illuminates the artist/printmaker relationship and printmaking’s inherent collaboration characteristic. By sharing a cube consisting of the same story, some artists will connect with each other in their communities, while others will share one story with strangers in other places. Participants will respond to one another’s marks, their visual images and the initial story. There is a tremendous amount of trust needed between each of the artists working on cubes and between myself (the printmaker) and every participant giving up their substrate with the understanding that all sides will be printed together and they each will receive a print. Each image/story and participant will also come together in what will be a virtual community via unique website - and a blog -
MORE DETAILS: (initial project)
6sides2every story is a collaboration that starts with an individual artist carving a side of a wooden cube. The first person has to clip a phrase from a newspaper, magazine, or internet, and carve a visual narrative on one side of the cube. (The cube is provided by Candace Nicol) The first person can also organize a group of artists within his/her community that will work together on the cube. This is NOT a requirement, though. Many artists that are starting the cube are sending it back to Candace Nicol. The stories are posted on the web and emailed to potential carvers. This method will allow for the movement of cubes across the country. When one artist is done, he/she will give the cube to another person along with the clipping. Each person responds to the clipping and to the previous marks carved into the cube. Artists do not have to be printmakers. They just have to be willing to participate and to carve the cube in a timely manner. There is no fee, but each person needs to either hand the cube to someone in his/her community or be willing to send the cube to another person outside of his/her community; and at the end, send it back to Candace for printing. Once the cube is finished, Candace will print an edition of 8. Each participant will receive a print with all 6 sides of the story. Blocks will be printed on 8”x10” paper.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Greetings from Scotland
Below is Aine's summary of this article she found on the website called “China Now”
XIN HANZI (her title extracted from main article)
Written Chinese, is made up of 55,000 ideographs (hanzi).
Lu Hsun, (a key proponent of the New Writing movement of the 1930s.) called for a “Latinized” vernacular phonetic system to replace these. What he wanted to see was a language system that was truly democratic and not something that had been until then, as he saw it, the preserve of the elite.
Chinese characters have been reformed, reorganized, re-numbered, regulated, restricted and simplified., resulting in the language format that is taught in primary education in China today.
Jiao Yingqi, a professor at the Chinese Academy of Art, says “the Chinese written language has become more accessible. but the basic composite elements of Chinese characters are increasingly archaic, inflexible and poorly equipped for the 21st century.”
The approximately 55,000 extant Chinese characters are based on root components known as “radicals” (pianpang bushou in romanized Chinese). These 189 ideographs include archaic representations such as man, woman, tree, water, soil, rock, sky, heart, field, roof, dish, tiger, bamboo, bird, metal, hand and foot.
To address the gulf between China’s writing system and the post-Modern world, Jiao has embarked on a personal and theoretical project he calls New Characters (Xin Hanzi). Via a trial-and-error process that tightly integrates his artistic, design and theoretical interests, he has thus far created 32 new radicals.

And Even More!

Cube #83 The Juarez Murders
Original News Source: By Debbie Nathan, Amnesty Magazine
L.T. Hammett (CO), Eric Macdin (CO), Pui Yu Esther Au (CO), Emily Schmidt-Beuchat (CO), Audrey Schaiberger (CO), Lauren Brasher (CO)

Cube #81 The Juarez Murders
Original News Source: By Debbie Nathan, Amnesty Magazine
Stephan Sanchez (CO), Courtney Pulver (CO), Christina I. Smith (CO), Whitney Burns (CO), Sam Scruby (CO), Dana Crary (CO)
Cube #42 Burka Barbie
Original News Source:
Maria Partridge (NV), Susan Moore (NV), Naomi Nickerson (NV), Vicki LoSasso (NV), Lola Winckelmann (NV)
MORE and More cubes printed

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
More cubes have been printed. Here they are:

Cube #64 Busy Bees

Wednesday, August 27, 2008
This is a fun pic!
Monday, August 25, 2008
5 NEW CUBES printed!
Story Sources: By Diane Lefer, The Sun April 2008
Artists: Stefanie Dykes (UT), Catherine Mataisz (UT), Randy Hankins (UT), Joey Behrens (UT), Erik Brunvand (UT), Sandy Brunvand (UT)
Members of Saltgrass Printmakers
Cube # 9 It's Official: Caribbean Monk Seal is Extinct
Story Source:
Artists: Melanie Yazzie (CO), C.Maxx Stevens (CO), Maggie Goat (OK), Triston Myna Baldwin (AZ)
Cube #12 How to Feed the World
Story Souce: Newsweek, May 10, 2008
Artists: Angela Katona-Batchelor (ID), Nicole Herden (ID), Dan Scott (ID), Deb Yensen (ID), Elizabeth Kidd (ID), Kirsten Furlong (ID)
Cube #39 Biological from the Artificial
Story Source: Art in America clipping April 2008
Artists: Margaret A.Craig (TX), Molly Branton (TX), Paula Cox(TX), Dinah Coakely(TX), Nicole Geary (TX), Matthew Clark (PA)
Cube #67 Developing Safe Water, Developing Communities
Story Source:
Artists: Susan Paredes (WA), John Fiala (WA), Dan Barnett (WA), Arvid Anderson (WA), Maurene Smith (WA), Sue Stewart (WA)
Tuesday, August 19, 2008

From reading your blog it looks like you are getting some titles and commentary about some of the images you have. Well, mine is called "Humilobite with Pet Trilobite" (pronounced hyou-MEYE-lo-bite). Humilobites are basically transitional creatures between trilobites and humans (like Homo habilis). Except with trilobites. Not apes. Enjoy!
Visit my stores at
Monday, August 18, 2008
Bee Cube Almost Done!
hey candace I didn't send this to you before. My side is done.
I want to call it bee architecture, empty house (not empty city).
Mildred Beltre
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Dada Masks -Cube #59
Getta' loada' this will ya'..
6 Sides To Every Story (thanx Candace Nicol) brings 600 artists together to carve on the sides of these lil' cubes. Woodblock prints ensue as well as a large international collaborative exhibition.
This video of my cube is the best video of a carved block of wood on Internet right now, you can bank on that one charlie! It has a great soundtrack, the lyrics are precious, please enjoy.
It was based on a story in L A Times about LACountyMuseum
's new collection of old oceanic masks and the influence these designs had on the Dadaists.
Monday, July 7, 2008

Here is a bit of a story about my print:
A month or two before I was contacted by April for this project, I read a teensy article which I found buried in the NY Post. The article is about a Serbian beekeeper who began to build monasteries for his bees because he decided that "bees have a soul too".
I saved the article, taping it to my bathroom mirror, knowing that some art would come forth from it at some point.
When April told me about this project, I felt that this article related to her original article, and so my print, "Bee Sanctuary", is really a response to both articles.
Below you will see my article. I have enclosed a hard copy of that plus a more detailed version of the story which I found on the Internet, along with a proof of my print, etc in the box with the cube and other materials.
all the best
Sarah Hauser
I think there is a bee-goddess at work here! The Minoans had bee priesteses called "Melissae" so it is very ancient. It is also strange that Melissa Potter has that name! She was a fulbright scholar in Serbia several times, and has been very helpful to me in understanding Serbia.
Friday, June 20, 2008
"No Bees, No Blueberries"
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Block 91- Off and Cutting!
Abandoned Owls Blamed on Potter
An increase in the number of owls abandoned at a rescue centre
in Flinshire has been blamed on the Harry Potter books.
Block 91's six-person team of Kansas City artists includes:
Laura Berman
Julia Welles
Maura Cluthe
Will Burnip
Ben Jones
Estrella Payton
Side 1 in progress:

Sunday, June 8, 2008
"BUSY BEES" cube 64 started by April Vollmer

My chosen news article is the June issue of Martha Stewart "The Sweet Side of Summer" which not only has a recipe for a honey cake in the shape of a bee hive, but includes a well researched article about the decline of the bee population in the U.S. Both the imported honeybees and native bee species are threatened. For more information The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation has a great website with information about the crisis in pollination!
The artists who have agreed to contribute to six sides of "Busy Bees" are:
Barbara Landes
Sarah Hauser
Melinda Yale

Tuesday, June 3, 2008
The Process of Printing the Cubes
Hey, Candace:
Those are some pretty intriguing photos you have on the blog. What are you doing with the big block of cubes?
When you get some spare time, do you mind explaining on the blog your process for printing the cubes? Maybe some more of those great pictures?
Do you burnish the paper onto the cubes, or use a roller?
Linda Jules

Monday, June 2, 2008

Exciting and what a blast to print! I found it relaxing to sit and print these cubes. It was interesting to examine each side, how each person carved into the wood and the challenges in printing. I didn’t always know how each side was oriented (up, down) and it was fun to try to interpret the signs and make connections to the original story.
So here are the first four:

Original Story:
Artists: Noah Strycker (OR), Emily Bean (OR), Jennifer Abbott (OR), Kathryn Nichols (OR), Rachel Feerick(WI), Courtney Monsantofils (OR)

Original Story:
Artists: Kathryn Cellerini (OR), Greg Luckeroth (OR), Emily Germond (OR), Kim Myers (OR), Seth Jefferson (OR), Kelsi Cross (OR)
Cube #16 Alaska Now Has 2 Gas Pipeline Proposals
Original Story:
Artists: Melanie Yazzie (CO), Leslie Benson (CO), Todd Christensen (NM), Helen Baribeau (CO), Susie Mitchell (CO), Rossitza Todorova (NV)
Cube #13 Olive Ridley Turtle
Original Story:
Artists: Melanie Yazzie (CO), Todd Christensen (NM), Lydia Young (CO), Clark Barker (CO), Likia Gitis (CO), Anne Getts (CO)
Happy carving... I'll be updating the website soon with participants names and web addresses.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Let's play!
Friday, May 23, 2008
The Cube.... thoughts by May Hariri Aboutaam
May wrote this and sent it to me. I thought it was beautiful and wanted to share it with everyone:
The cube supposedly a dull, and a straightforward shape is transformed into a dynamic interactive circular form with no ending. Circling from one hand to another the cube symbolizes the shape of a universal home, housing not living people but living stories and histories. Like a story teller, the cube encapsulates different moments of our lifes, different issues that touch us, it is capturing the essence of art being a mean of communication.
You know, since we're creating a book----- I invite you all to share thoughts and writings to include in the book.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
First picture of cube #56

Hey... Everyone I finely got a chance to post my picture of the first side of block #56... The cube has moved on to my father...then to my uncle...I will post pictures of those as soon as I get them...
I love seeing all the other pictures of sides when they are done... Hope to see more soon...
Kathy (Nevada)
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Update: Cube 59
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Fire and Rebirth Cube #15
Happy mother's Day to everybody.

Monday, May 5, 2008
Welcome New Participants
New participants as of May 5, 2008:
April Vollmer, New York, NY
Peter Leone McCormick, San Francisco, CA
Becca McCannell, Monmouth, OR
Printmaking Students at Western Oregon University
Robyn Sassen, Johannesburg, South Africa
Kim Berman, Johannesburg, South Africa
Members of ARTIST PROOF STUDIO, Newtown, Gauteng, South Africa
Carol Brown, Carson City, NV
Anne Getts, Boulder, CO
Sarah Chvilicek, Reno, NV
Lynn Schmidt, Reno, NV
April Townley, Reno, NV
Serena Skularek, Reno, NV
EunKang Koh, Reno, NV
Jill Brugler, Washoe Valley, NV
Kathelene Galloway, LaGrande, OR
Chad Sorg, Reno, NV
Traye Lovejoy, Reno, NV
Nicole Hamlin, Reno, NV
Carol Lynn Kirchner, Kirkland, WA
Chi Meredith, Corvallis, OR
Susan Paredes, Gig Harbor, WA
Morgan Lott, Sparks, NV
Alexandria Nicol, Sparks, NV
Jeff Dabney, Pembroke, NC
what's everyone doing for carving?
THis will be good!
Hi Susan,
I've carved two cubes (the first one was really hard... birch.... then I ordered fir cubes which are pretty soft and seem to be easy to carve.) I have dull student grade carvers, too. The ends of the cube are the hardest to carve out. A lot of the participants are using a small dremmel tool to carve with and even one participant used a wood burning tool.
No one has said anything about how they are stabilizing the cube. I just held mine, although I had a few "close" encounters with my fingers when I was carving at the corners.
It's an intriguing little piece of wood. My students seem to be having fun with them... I wish one cube would be finished soon, so I can print... I have the paper and the printing structure all ready to go!
There are two deadlines: End of August and End of December (for me to get them printed and sent back to everyone).... So I'm hoping that participants only take a week or two each person. I'll keep "reminding" everyone via email as we go along. The sooner a group gets one done, the sooner they get a print back.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Just Got My Cube
This is one of the neatest thing that I have taken part in... thank you Candace for the opportunity...
I will post a picture when I finish the week... I enjoy looking at the other pics...
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Both Sides of the Street
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Fantastic Experiment
I'll be shipping my cube off soon. My husband Greg is a fantastic artist and his forte just happens to be wood carving, so I'll make that man work!
I'm looking forward to carving myself. Thanks for the opportunity!
Monday, April 28, 2008
Cube 16 moving around...
What to share in story?
Hi Linda,
Good question – I was waiting for someone to ask it.
Okay, this is going to be a roundabout answer :>)
I’ve been thinking a lot about what the first participant would do. Would they include the entire story with the cube or just a phrase…. I was unclear in my instructions in order to see what would happen… Part of this is a social experiment….
The picking of the story.... does one chose to share just a phrase with the other artists? Just the title? (Which can be misleading) or include the entire newspaper article? I'm thinking about the way information is consumed in our society. The bits and pieces of a story are never complete. And we as consumers take the bits, create our own meanings. Eventually we fuse parts of the story with our own experiences, sometimes sharing that with another person who will interpret the story differently, too.
So, it’s up to you, what do you want to share? A phrase, a headline, or the whole newspaper story.
(Note: the headline will be the title of the print.)
Have you chosen a story? If you have the title and the source, I can look it up online and create a PDF file so we have it for bibliography purposes.
Susan Stewart
Title: Prescribed Burns Will Continue in Tahoe Area
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Launch of Website:
The website is up and will be continually updated as cubes are printed. Those of you that would like a link to your personal website, please let me know and I can add that next to your name and image. Also, any print shops or organizations involved, I will add those links, too. Let me know that it is okay with you to do so.
Check it out!
Participants so far
Rebecca Bailey Fort Wayne, IN
Jenn Erwin Richmond, VA
Katie Cepek Boise, ID
Stephanie Dykes Salt Lake City, UT
Saltgrass Printmakers Salt Lake City, UT
Yuji Hiratsuka Corvallis, OR
Oregon State University Faculty and Students Corvallis, OR
MaLynda Poulsen-Jones College Place, WA
Linda Jules Kamloops, BC, Canada
Kamloops Printmaking Society Kamloops, BC, Canada
Megan Sterling Chicago, IL
Sue Latta Boise, ID
Margery Hall-Marshall Kyle, TX
Kimiko Miyoshi Long Beach, CA
Lynne Kistler Elko, NV
Sharon Tetley Carson City, NV
Western Nevada College Art Faculty and Students Carson City, NV
Jill Fitterer Boise, ID
Angela Katona-Batchelor Boise, ID
Melanie Yazzie Boulder, CO
Susan Stewart Reno, NV
May Aboutaam Sunnyvale, CA
Rossitza Todorova Reno, NV
Kathleen Marshall Reno, NV
Paris Almond Reno, NV
Jacy Robinson Reno, NV
Sarah Whorf Eureka, CA
Theresa Bond Austin, TX
Orisegun Bennett-Olmidun Ettrick, VA
Vicki LoSasso Reno, NV
Margaret A. Craig San Antonio, TX
Woman Printmakers of Austin Austin, TX
Printmakers’ Conspiracy Northern Nevada
Alison Harris South Lake Tahoe, CA
Dianna Sion-Callender Reno, NV
Maria Partridge Reno, NV
Gene Gardella Reno, NV
Sue Roberts Reno, NV
Jim McCormick Reno, NV
Anne Hoff Las Vegas, NV
Southern Nevada College Faculty and Students Las Vegas, NV
Leta Medina Reno, NV
EDW Martinez Virginia City, NV
Jayna Conkey Carson City, NV
Kathy Wood Reno, NV
First side of cube #10 sent back
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Launch of national collaboration

Instructions:1. The first person has to clip a phrase from a newspaper, magazine, or internet, and carve a visual narrative on one side of the cube. (Please email me at to have me send you the cube.) You do not need to print it.